Sunday, February 15, 2015

Making Up For Monday: Filled with Regret

It's time for Making Up For Monday! This is a weekly meme hosted by me that asks some fun literary questions. Feel free to play along!

This week's question:
What books do you regret reading?

I don't often "regret" reading anything, even if I didn't like it.  I think that I usually get SOMETHING out of everything I read, even if it's just a new opinion on something I didn't like about the book. However, in the case of John Updike, I definitely regret reading Rabbit is Rich.

Since it won the Pulitzer Prize, I gave this one a read.  It was on the first Pulitzer Prize winning book I read and nearly turned me off of reading them at all.  The book was all about a perverted, sleezy, self-centered man and I just could not get into the book.  Nothing really happened in the book of substance and the character was so unlikeable, that I kept wishing for him to be killed off.  The "icky" feeling he gave me still gives me shudders whenever I think about the book.  I really wish I had never read it.

What about you?  Is there any book you regret reading?



  1. I read one book in the Stephanie Plum series because somebody lent it to me and I wanted to make them happy. The book gave me nightmares for weeks. There are other books (Gone Girl is one) where I wish I could sterilize my brain after reading them.
