Sunday, July 5, 2015

Making Up For Monday: Book Club

It's time for Making Up For Monday! This is a weekly meme hosted by me that asks some fun literary questions. Feel free to play along! 

This week's question:  If you are in a book club, what book are you reading right now?  If not, what book would you recommend to a book club? 

I do belong to a book club and we are meeting tomorrow to discuss my book, The Graveyard Book!  I can't wait!

Here are the questions I intend to ask: 
1. Neil Gaiman says that he wanted The Graveyard Book to be both a novel and a book of short stories. Do you think he succeeds?

2. How do you feel about Gaiman using characters that we typically consider bad? 

3. How do the illustrations contribute to your reading of The Graveyard Book?

4. At the close of the novel, Mrs. Owens sings about embracing the human experience: “Face your life / Its pain, its pleasure, / Leave no path untaken” (p. 306). How does this theme resonate throughout the novel?

5. What did you think of Silas?

6. What did you think of the Jack of All Trades?

7. Do you think Bod will return to the graveyard? 

What about your book club?  What are you reading?

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