Monday, October 13, 2014

Top Ten Places Books Have Made Me Want To Visit

For this week's edition of Top Ten Tuesday hosted by the Broke and the Bookish, the theme is  Ten Places Books Have Made Me Want To Visit (whether fictional or real).

1. The Cemetery of Books from The Shadow of the Wind: Seriously, book lovers all over the world would love this fictional place and I am so sad its not real. 

2. Space from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Ok, so space is huge but it sounds so fascinating in  Adams' world.

3. Maycomb County in To Kill a Mockingbird: Scout seemed to love the little town she lived in filled with wonderful neighbors and fun adventures.

4. The Secret Garden in The Secret Garden: How wonderful would it be to visit the secret garden?

5. The Chocolate Factory in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory: Because it's a chocolate factory, duh!

6. The school in Sideways Stories from Wayside School:  I may have actually looked forward to school if I went to this one.

7. The site of the World's Fair in Chicago in The Devil in The White City:  This one is real so someday I can go!

8. Camp Half-blood in The Lightening Thief: It would be a very pleasant way to spend the summer.

9. Neverland in Peter Pan: Because sometimes the concept of never growing up sounds wonderful.

10. Italy in Playing for Pizza:  Grisham made the food sound so wonderful!  I want to visit.


For the record, I know that Hogwarts will be a common answer for today, and just to clarify, I did not forget it.  I simply don't want to go.  I would be one of the students who dies or who gets stuck somewhere for months and can't get out.  I would definitely not survive a school term there!

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