Monday, February 17, 2014

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger/Reader

Its time again for the Broke and the Bookish's Top Ten Teusday. 

This week's topic: Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger/Reader

1. I get to work on my writing skills. As a wannabe writer who spent the first eight years out of college editing medical reviews, my writing skills got a bit rusty.

2. I get to talk about what I just read. Don't you hate when you finish a book and no one else has read the book or really cares to hear about it? 

3. I feel like I get to escape into a new world often. I love cracking open a new book and getting lost in it.

4. I am tackling my ever growing TBR list. To be fair, the more I read, the more my TBR list grows, but the fact that my "have-read" list is growing is such a great feeling.

5. I get to meet some of the greatest characters. I love meeting a new fantastic character!

6. I understand a lot more literary references than I used to. Do you ever watch shows or movies where they reference a classic book and you haven't read it so you don't really get it?  I hate that.

7. I have expanded my horizons with suggestions. I have read A LOT of books outside of my comfort zone.  Some have been disappointing, but some have been phenomenal!

8. I love snuggling on the couch with the dog. Seriously, I love snuggling up on the couch with my dog.

9. I get to talk to my husband about everything I read and write. When you are married and have been for awhile, plus you both work from home, keeping up new conversation is really helpful.

10. Free books!Seriously....I love free books!


  1. My TBR is seemingly infinite - for every one I knock off I see to add 10+

    Great list!

    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

    1. It amazing how quickly that list just grows and grows.

  2. We all have similar reasons for why we love being a reader and book blogger! I'm sure the list goes on past 10 too. I certainly agree with the never ending TBR pile! I actually never want to get close to ending that list b/c if I do that means I'm not reading anymore or I'm dead! RIGHT lol!!!

    1. I totally agree Michelle! I do love that my TBR list is growing.

  3. Your #1, to work on your writing skills -- I was just thinking about that this morning, unrelated to TTT. How after an academic career honing your writing (creative or for research purposes), it falls by the wayside as you get older and work in the business world. Even editing something like medical texts becomes so cut and dry that the creativity crumbles. What an excellent point!

    Also, the "have read" growing list feels SO GOOD. Agreed!!

    My TTT

    1. Exactly! I took some time between jobs to try and write the book I have been meaning too for years only to find out everything I wrote, which grammatically correct, was terrible. Sigh.

  4. Great picks :) Blogging has definitely got me reading outside my comfort zone and falling in love with books that I wouldn't have even looked at before. My TTT.

    1. It amazing how much I was unwilling to read certain things only to discover I actually liked them. Ha ha ha.

  5. I agree with all of these. I graduated last year so blogging keeps up my writing skills, and as for #6.. it makes me feel so clever when I understand a reference that no one else gets haha!
    My TTT

    1. Its amazing how not writing can just really screw up your mojo.

  6. I love being able to talk books too! Blogging/reading has totally helped me find people as obsessed and passionate about books as I am. ;) It's fabulous. Free books are also intensely cool. Here's my TTT!!

    1. Its nice to find people who understand your obsession, ha ha ha.

  7. It was a great thing to sit and ponder.

  8. Hey there! I am Tiffany as well! I agree so much with your list! I feel like my TBR list on Goodreads grows more and more every single day, but I am glad that I have been able to start checking quite a bit off of my Read list as well! It would be great to talk more, have a great evening! :]


    1. Yeah, Another Tiffany! Its a pretty fantastic name (until someone starts singing Breakfast at Tiffany's). :)
